Friday, February 19, 2021

Big Deal

Hi my favorite stamping friends!  This will be just a short post, at least that's the plan.  My newest downline just signed up her first downline.  Woo hoo!  Isn't that exciting?  I can remember signing up my first downline and how overwhelmed I was at the prospect of helping someone else get started in this business.  Whew!  But my downline Susan is so friendly, cheerful and willing to share with others that I don't think she'll have any problems at all.  Go get 'em Susan!

To cheer her on, I sent out cards to both her and her new downline (also named Susan!).  I love one of the sentiments from the Whale Done stamp set, so that's what I used for both of their cards.  I thought it worked perfectly with what I wanted to say.  Unfortunately I had already written and put in the mail one of the card designs before I thought about actually taking a picture to share. Oh well, I'm working on remembering to do that.

This card was so much fun to make using a technique that I often forget about using, but it adds a subtle dimension to the embossing.  The embossing was done using the Seabed 3D Embossing Folder.  The fun part was brayering ink onto the inside of the folder before adding the cardstock and then running it through the Stampin' Cut and Embossing Machine.  The ink transfers to the cardstock around the design and makes it stand out more.  For this lovely embossed layer, I used Granny Apple Green cardstock that is 5 1/4" x 4" and I brayered on Pacific Point ink.  That gives it just enough color to make the embossing stand out without changing the color too much.
The card base is Pool Party, the skinny strip is Night of Navy, and the layer behind the sentiment is Pacific Point.  The sentiment was stamped with Pacific Point ink.  The itty bitty fishes are a combination of Pool Party, Granny Apple Green, and Pacific Point inks.  All of them were off-stamped before stamping onto the Basic White layer.   These colors were chosen because they coordinate with the gorgeous  6" x 6" Whale of a Time Designer Series Paper.  It's easy to figure out colors to put together on a card when you use the DSP colors for your guide.  Stampin' Up! artists already do the work of combining the best colors for us!

The last item needed was a bit of bling.  That was provided by using a few of the sequins from the Whale of a Time Sequins.  They match nicely with all the colors of the DSP and are different sizes, colors, and even a tiny seashell shape.  Yes, I do appreciate it when everything matches and comes together so easily.

Oh, in case you're wondering, the cards were made before all my color cardstock was packed away.  I think my dear hubby is such a sweetheart because he went out into the garage in the freezing cold weather, checked around, and found 2 boxes of 8 1/2" x 11" color cardstock that haven't made it down to South Carolina yet.  They don't have all the current Stampin' Up! colors in them, but there's at least some choices!!!  Yay!  Now isn't he just the best?  

Reminders:  Sale-a-bration will be over on February 28th, so get those orders in if you want your freebies.  If you would like to order from me, please use the Host Code  XYUVH9UP  for the month of February.  Well, I told you this would be short so I'd better stop typing!  Again, congratulations to Susan and Susan and their new adventures in Stampin' Up!  Let the fun begin!

Happy stamping,

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