Sunday, November 21, 2021

Eden's Garden Again

Hi there, and happy Sunday to you.  Hope you had a chance to spend some time communing with God again this morning.  Really looking forward to my Sundays lately, because I'm getting so much out of the Pastor's sermons.  This idea of choosing our 'one person' to pray for every day about having a chance to talk to them about the saving grace of God has been a real thought provoking plan.   To reach at least one person that you really care about for Christ is so powerful.  It's been on my heart for weeks now, and hopefully I can plant seeds that will reap a heavenly reward.

My goodness!  I need to get off my soapbox and get back to sharing what I've been making lately.   I've been playing around some more with the Eden's Garden suite of products.  They're really quite pretty and make card-making easy.  This layout is something I've used so many times in the past, but it always turns out so nicely that I go back and use it over and over again.  

The card base for this card is Soft Succulent and it's cut at 11" x 4 1/4".  It's scored at 5 1/2" and folded in half.  The Basic White layer on the card front is cut 5" x 3 3/4".  

I drew a faint pencil line across this just a little above the center.  This would be my guide for stamping the leafy sprigs across the card.  I started with one of the smaller sprigs and stamped it three times across the top and twice towards the bottom using Soft Succulent ink.  In between these, I stamped the larger sprig with Evening Evergreen ink to fill it in nicely.  

The leafy banner die was used to die-cut a strip of Evening Evergreen cardstock.  Laying it across the card, it just didn't stand out like I had hoped.  So I cut a 1" x 3 3/4" strip of Soft Succulent cardstock to place behind it.  That really made the darker green stand out nicely and showed off the pretty leafy ends.  The Soft Succulent strip was attached to the card front with adhesive.  The dark leafy strip was attached over this using Dimensionals so make it really stand out.

I used one of the sentiments in the Eden's Garden stamp set to coordinate.  A skinny 1/2" strip of Basic White cardstock has the sentiment stamped on it using Evening Evergreen ink.  It was trimmed close to the ends with Paper Snips.  This fit perfectly inside the Evening Evergreen layer and was attached with adhesive.  

Of course it needed some bling, so I added one of the Garden Gems on each end of the Evening Evergreen banner to accent the words.  Then I couldn't stop myself there, and added three more of the iridescent gems to the card front.  Love the bits of bling!  The iridescence really makes them glitter and shine.

Since the outside of the card turned out so nice, I went ahead and stamped the same look inside to match.  The cardstock is cut at 4" x 5 1/4".  The same leafy sprigs were used to stamp off the edge of the bottom.  The same two colors were used too.  I like carrying the outside of the card's into the inside, but sometimes I struggle to find just the right look.  This time it was easy and I love how it turned out too.  The Basic White cardstock piece was attached inside the card using adhesive.  

And there you have it.  A quick and simple card layout that's pretty and looks elegant too.  When you're stuck for some inspiration, try using this layout with different stamps and colors.  I think you might be pleasantly surprised by all the beautiful cards you can make with this plan.

When you place an order this month, please use the Current Host Code shown in the top right corner of the blog page.  I truly appreciate your orders.  It helps to keep me inspired to make more cards to share with you!

Have a very blessed day!


  1. I like these colors and the edge in the inside of the card - it just completes the design so nicely. - Barb E

    1. Thanks Barb. I like the colors too. And I've been trying to bring the design into the card more often. Still working on that!
