Monday, December 5, 2022

Winter White Snowflakes

Hey there, friends.  Sorry for the delay in getting another post finished.  I've been having a little bit of a struggle lately, but another cardioversion will be done tomorrow.  I truly hope that helps and my aFib gets under control.  It will be nice to have more energy afterwards too.  Please pray for me. 

Today's card features some gorgeous snowflake vellum specialty paper.  Unfortunately, as I sat down to write out this post, I noticed it is totally sold out.  But if you already have some, give this card a try.  It is absolutely gorgeous in person.

Let's start with the snowflake vellum layer.  The vellum was cut to 5 1/8" x 3 7/8". A Basic White layer was cut to match.  Using small amounts of Tombow Multi-Purpose Liquid Glue only behind the snowflake flocking, it was adhered to the Basic White layer.  This is so pretty all by itself with the frosted look of the vellum and the velvet flocking of the snowflakes.  It was layered onto a Thick Basic White cardstock base that is 8 1/2" x 5 1/2".  It's scored at 4 1/4" and folded in half.  The snowflake layer was added with Dimensionals to hold it up from the card base.

Next was added one of the Wonderful Snowflakes found on page 83 of the July-December Mini Catalog.  It was attached with the iridescent side up on the card front with only one Dimensional right in the center of the snowflake.  To the center of this was added a silver snowflake that I die-cut using the larger snowflake from the Chic Die set.  It was attached to the first snowflake with one tiny Mini Dimensional right in the center of this.

The next step was deciding on a sentiment for the card and how I wanted it on there.  I decided on a sentiment from the Leaves of Holly stamp set.  After trying it with Smoky Slate ink on white cardstock, I decided to go with white embossing on vellum to stay with the white-on-white look.

After embossing, the ends were trimmed with the Banner Pick A Punch to finish.  I left enough room on each end for one the Seasonal Sequins in white, of course.  One of them was also attached to the center of the silver snowflake to finish it off.

There you have it - a truly gorgeous, elegant Christmas card that really wasn't as hard to make as it looks.  If you're looking for a wow factor on some of your special cards, this is it!

Thought you might like to see my sister, Connie's version of this card.  She used a different flocked velvet snowflake paper as you can see.  She didn't add the die-cut silver snowflake like I did.  

She also chose to change the sentiment.  This one comes from the Framed & Festive stamp set that is a limited edition set.  The set is only available until the end of this year or while supplies last.

She did use the same iridescent white sequins for her card like I did.  They were just the perfect touch for the all-white card of hers.

Hope you liked today's card offering.  I'm having a problem sharing ideas because so many items I've used are out of stock right now.  How frustrating!  Maybe I should just pretend that you've got everything I've got so it won't make any difference.  You can always substitute anything similar that you have.  It'll work just fine.

If you're ordering soon, please consider using the Host Code at the top of the blog post.  It's greatly appreciated.

Happy stamping and creating,


  1. Silver and white is perfect for snowflakes - I love this card!
    Prayers that your cardioversion is successful and your aFib is controlled.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Barb. Glad you like these snowflakes. I think they are just gorgeous!! So far, I've been feeling well. Just hope my heart stays in rhythm.

  2. I love both cards. Both work well with that special vellum - the white glitter and the silver foil. It was so fn spending time with you and doing our cards together but differently. You inspire me.

  3. Thank you, Connie - you're the one doing the inspiring!!
