Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Memorable Meadows Paper Pumpkin Alternative

Hi there!  Have you been noticing the cute Paper Pumpkin kits the last several months?  These are just so stinkin' cute!  And it's really fun seeing what else you can make with the kits besides how they are planned to be made.  Today's card really focuses on the March 2024 Paper Pumpkin kit and uses an add-on die set as well.  When I was perusing other people's creative ideas using this kit, I found a card created by Su Mohr that was truly beautiful even though it was very simple.  I really wanted to try doing my version of her card to see how it worked out.  My card is different of course, but I still like the simplicity of the card.  Hope you enjoy this and maybe want to make your version of my version of Su's card.

For the card, paper from the new March Paper Pumpkin kit was used.  If you've got other DSP prints that you would like to use here, go ahead and switch it out.  Get creative!  Just find a print that looks good as small images.

Start out with Basic White Thick for the card base.  It measures 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" and is scored and folded in half.  The layer is Basic White that measures 5 1/4" x 4".  This is embossed with the new Zinnia 3D Embossing Folder which is a new Online Exclusive product.  This is such a nice overall design and makes a pretty backdrop for the DSP here.  

Before attaching to the card front, a length of Bubble Bath ribbon from the Sheer Ribbon Combo Pack was wrapped around and secured in the back with adhesive.  Then it's attached to the card base using Dimensionals.

The three panels of flower prints were die-cut from 1/2 of one card base in the March Paper Pumpkin kit.  I tried to place a flower in the center of each die.  The die is from an add-on set that matches the last three months of Paper Pumpkin.  There are similar dies that are connected with other stamp sets, but this one was sitting out on my desk from all the Easter cards I made.  It was handy, so I used it!  The three tags were placed with the bottom edges just tucked under the ribbon to anchor them.  I used "green glue" to attach them to the card front.

The same die was used to cut a Basic White tag for the sentiment.  The sentiment comes from the Notes of Nature set.  It has three different sentiments in the set and all of them are good, basic sentiments that I'll use a lot.  This time it's stamped with Gorgeous Grape ink to pick up the colors in the prints.

The tag is attached over the ribbon off to the side using Dimensionals.  They're placed along the top and bottom of the tag, so the ribbon is free.  A smallish bow was made using the same ribbon.  It's attached to the left of the sentiment using two Mini Glue Dots to hold in place.

I debated about adding bling or not.  As you can see, I decided I liked the clean look that just focused on the images instead.  Of course, if you wanted to add bling to the card, I'm sure it would be beautiful.

There you have it, my version of Su Mohr's gorgeous card.  There are multiple changes to make the idea my own.  Now how are you going to change my card to make it your own?  Love the idea of seeing someone else's idea and tweaking it to fit your tastes.

Thanks for stopping in for a few minutes today.  Hope you're inspired to get out your stamps, ink, and paper to create some lovely ideas yourself.  Come back soon to see what I've been working on.  Leave a comment if you'd like.  I always appreciate hearing from you, my friends.  Just a reminder that the Last Chance List is available to see.  The discounted items can be ordered on April 9th until the end of the month.  Then that's it!  There are many sets that are retiring, but many favorites will be returning.  And then the new catalog will go live on May 1st!!!  Woo Hoo!  If I'm sending you a catalog and you haven't received it by the end of April, please let me know and I'll get one to you.  

Happy stamping and creating,