Saturday, May 4, 2024

Birthday Bonanza

Hello my friends!  As many of you know, my birthday was last week Sunday.  Not giving away my age though!  But I do want to share a quick look at all the handmade cards that were sent to me be my lovely and thoughtful friends.  There are some very unique cards in the batch, and they're all beautiful.  Thank you for pouring your time and talents into your cards and then gifting them to me.  Cards were showing up about one or two a day for a couple of weeks.  But I think this is the end.  I didn't want to miss out on sharing any of them so you could enjoy them too.  Let the parade of birthday cards begin...

Created by Diane Wallace
Cute fun fold card. I can't believe she fussy cut all those birds and branches!  Just Fabulous!

Created by Jean Mazurek
More of those fussy cut birds!  Love them!  And thanks for the note inside too.

Created by Judy Bur
So serene in blue and white!  Lovely look.

Created by Jan Hollmann
Isn't this such a cool alcohol-ink background?  The black silhouette is just perfect for this!  Very dramatic.

Created by Connie Juengel
So feminine and lacy looking!  So very peachy!  So me!

Created by Sue Fabris
I wish you could see this in person.  The colors are so soft and delicate.  And the design is awesome!  This is a real wow!

Just another peek at how the card is made.

Created by Anita Wright
You are the Cricut Queen!  This card is 6" x 6" when it's closed and thick like a book.  But wait...

Look at the cool inside of the card!  Love it!  Love the rainbow of butterflies.
Created by Shirley Krone
Very Dramatic!  Thank you so much for sending the letter too.  Your travels are worthy of those awesome photo books you make.  

Created by Kathy Hintz
So gold and ivory.  Always an elegant combo.

Sent by Barb Collins
Hmmm, this looks familiar.  Thanks Barb.

Created by Roxanne Owen
She made a fun fold card that's so pretty.

Created by Diane Wallace

I started and ended with Diane's cards.  This one is not a birthday card, but it came at just the right time and was too pretty to ignore.  I really love the yellows mixed with the magenta butterflies!  What a standout card!

Thank you, ladies, for your fabulous cards.  It really made my birthday special getting each one of these.  You're all so talented and creative.  Love you all so very much!

Hope you didn't mind going through all these cards.  I'm sure you might fine an idea or two tucked in among these cards.  I have to admit though, each of these cards is more beautiful in person than the photos can show.  There's just something special getting the mail in and opening it to find one of these treasures!    Thank you for stopping by today to see what's new here.  The regular programming will resume shortly.  😄

Happy stamping and creating,
Sharon Carr

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