Friday, April 16, 2021

Friendship Friday

 I've been receiving such lovely cards from my friends and have been enjoying them immensely.  Then I had one of those special 'ah hah' moments!  Maybe you'd all like to see the gorgeous cards that have been filling my mailbox.  So that's my plan for one Friday a month now.  If I receive any cards in the preceding weeks, I'll share them here if I have permission from the ladies that made them.  Now I want to be sure you realize that not all the products shown on these cards will be from Stampin'Up!  Many of you have your own private stash of goodies that you love to use.  And that's all right by me.  I'd still like to share your creations with everybody else so they can see what you've sent to me.  I really miss our Sunday show and tell after Bible Class at church.  It was always so inspiring to see what my friends had made during the past week.  I think it inspired us all to go and create more!!  So that's my thoughts for this new endeavor.  I'll only post a name with the card (if that's approved), but not list any products used.  Most times you can tell what stamps are used anyway!  ;)

created by Jean Mazurek
created by Kathy Hintz

created by Judy Bur

created by Phyllis Unthank

created by Sue Fabris

created by Barb Eisenman

created by Jan Hollmann

created by Diane Wallace

created by Shirley Krone

created by Susan Wolan

created by Connie Juengel

Hope you enjoyed this gallery of cards.  Even though they were all Easter cards, each of them are as interesting, varied, and fun as the ladies that created them.  Please leave me a comment about this card gallery.  Do you like seeing what other people are creating?  Was it too much?  Or did you like this as a change of pace?  Should I do this again?  If so, send me your lovely creations so I can share them with everyone else.  

Love you ladies so much!  This is a small way I can keep in touch and show you how much I care.  We are loving it being here close to our daughter's family - especially our grandsons!  But I miss my friends more than I can express.  Receiving a card from you brightens my day so much!!

Many Hugs and  God's Blessings on you - 


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