Friday, May 14, 2021

Happy Friday To You!

 Yes, it's Friday already.  Just where has the entire week gone?  Seems like I'm always trying to play catch up with my days.  But, do you remember what I plan to do on certain Fridays?  Yes!  It's Friendship Friday today!  Woo Hoo!!  Since my birthday was the end of April and my good friends sent me so many lovely cards, I figured today would be the perfect day to share them with all of you.  I'll just be sharing pictures along with their creator and that's it.  Hope you enjoy the card parade.

created by Anita Wright

created by Jean Mazurek

created by Diane Wallace

created by Susan Fabris

created by Barb Eisenman

created by Kathy Hintz

created by Judy Bur

created by Shirley Krone

created by Jan Hollmann

This last card was created by my very sweet and talented sister, Connie Juengel

Aren't these cards great?  Hope you enjoyed all these lovely cards and maybe found and idea or two you might like to try making yourself.  I know these cards have been coming in since my birthday on the 28th, and I've loved opening the envelopes and enjoying the lovely work that all of you have invested into making these cards special.  And the notes written inside just warmed my heart and were the very best birthday present anyone could ever receive.  Much love and many thanks y'all!


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