Friday, August 13, 2021

Friendship Friday Again

 Hi there.  Glad you stopped by today.  Can you believe the week is almost over and it's time for another Friendship Friday post?  Time is just whizzing by lately and I can't seem to get enough accomplished.  But my wonderful friends have still been sending me cards to keep in touch.  I just love you guys!  So, here they are.  The latest installment of cards made by my friends and shared by me.  Not all are Stampin'Up! products, or they may be really old, retired products that are still wonderful.  

created by
Kathy Hintz

created by
Barb Eisenman

created by
Jean Mazurek

created by 
Diane Wallace

created by 
Kathy Hintz

created by
Shirley Krone

created by
Jean Mazurek

created by
Diane Wallace

Aren't they all lovely?  And they mean so much to me!  I can't begin to explain how wonderful it is to go to the mailbox and find a card addressed to me.  And then to open it and read the special notes inside just makes my day.  Thank you all for still caring about me and sending me these hugs through the mail.  You're so special!

Love and lots of hugs,

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