Saturday, November 13, 2021

Wintry Welcoming Woods

 So sorry I've been absent for several days again.  Friends were down visiting from Michigan, and we stayed way too busy for me to give any thought to getting this card posted right away like I thought I would.  Oh well...  What's that line about the best laid plans?  But we had so much fun that it was worth getting behind on my posts.  At least I think so!  😁  That said, I guess we'd better get moving along on sharing the card.  Right?

Let's get right to the dimensions of the cardstock on this one.
*card base is Basic White 8 1/2" x 5 1/2"
*Balmy Blue layer is 5 1/4" x 4"
*Night of Navy layer is 4" x 3 3/8"
*Basic White layer is 4" x 3 1/4", and small piece for the punched sentiment layer

First, the the Balmy Blue cardstock was embossed with the snowflakes in the Wintry 3D Embossing Folder on the right side of the layer.  This has multiple styles of snowflakes and also swirls in the half-size embossing folder.  Very pretty!

On the Basic White layer, I used a Blending Brush and Balmy Blue ink to lay in a very mottled sky area to give it a look of clouds in the sky.  This was done on the top 3/4 of the cardstock piece. The birch tree trunks were stamped with Crumb Cake ink leaving a little space bare at the bottom.  The ground stamp was also done in Crumb Cake ink, but this time it was off-stamped to give a more shadowy look.  The snowflakes were stamped with Night of Navy ink in a random fashion on the top half of the cardstock piece.  Keep it kind of light so you don't have a blizzard going on!
At this time, the white layer is attached to the Night of Navy layer, keeping the top and bottom even with a skinny frame on the two sides.   This is then attached to the Balmy Blue layer you already embossed.  It's attached with adhesive.  A length of White Crinkled Seam Binding is wrapped around this and tied into a soft bow.  This is attached to the folded Basic White card base with Dimensionals.

The last thing needed is the sentiment for the card.  I decided to use one of the sentiments that I really liked from the 2021 October Paper Pumpkin kit.  The words just seemed to fit this card perfectly!   They were stamped on Basic White cardstock with Night of Navy ink.  It was punched out with the Label Me Fancy Punch in the current catalog.  After punching, I decided it needed a few of the snowflakes also.  These were stamped with Balmy Blue ink just a bit at the edges.  The label was attached over the ribbon using Dimensionals.

After much debating with myself about the use of bling or no bling, I decided to leave it plain and just enjoy the clean, wintry look.

Hope you think this idea was worth the wait.  I sure enjoyed making this one.  In fact the idea just seemed to come together with no issues at all.  Sometimes cards just need to sit off to the side and let the idea ferment in my thoughts for awhile to come together nicely.  Know what I mean?  But this one was easy and I love how it turned out.

Thanks for stopping in again to see what's been going on here.  If you'll be ordering soon, please feel free to use the current Host Code shown at the top of the blog site.  Thanks so much for your ongoing support.  You are really appreciated!  Now I need to dust, vacuum, and do the laundry to get ready for our next visitors!  Oh, we are so blessed that our friends are making the long trip to come down to visit us!  To make a trip that takes so many hours, that surely shows true friendship!!!

Happy stamping and creating!


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