Friday, May 5, 2023

Friendship Friday Again

Hello, hello!  As many of you know, last Friday was my birthday.  Yup, another year older, and hopefully just a little bit wiser.  But boy, did I ever get some beautiful and creative cards!  A couple of you have mentioned you missed seeing the cards I receive from my friends each month.  So I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to share some lovely cards with you.  So here goes...

created by - Judy Bur
Wonderful coloring and composition here!  Makes me want to find a window seat and relax
created by - Jean Mazurek
Those sweet tulips!  And add all the other die-cuts to give this card a lovely feminine feel to it.
created by - Sue Fabris
Wow, look at all the die-cuts!  A really fresh-looking floral card
created by - Kathy Hintz
Love Misty Moonlight and love that sweet little bird too
created by - Jan Hollmann
Nice, crisp looking card.  Love the black and white with a touch of green
created by - Barb Eisenman
Love the use of both this DSP and the Two-Tone Flora on the card front and the inside too
created by - Connie Juengel
Interesting front flap cut
created by - Shirley Krone
Beautiful layering on these flowers and the coloring of the hummingbird is gorgeous.
created by - Anita Wright

created by - Anita Wright
I just had to show you the inside of this card too!  Isn't it fabulous?

created by - Kathy Hintz
This isn't a birthday card, but it came during that time frame , so I figured why not add it?

There you have an overview of the wonderful cards that have been showing up in my mailbox.  They are all beautiful and I treasure the time and effort each of you ladies put into making them.  Thank you all (including the store-bought cards that came too) for making this birthday a special day.

Hope you enjoyed the peek at all this creativity.  You ladies are wonderful!

Keep stamping and creating!


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