Saturday, January 15, 2022

Another Floating Layers Card

Hello friend!   Glad you stopped by today.  We're just staying in waiting for the expected freezing rain and snow that should be coming tonight and tomorrow.  The experts have changed the forecast a few times over the last several days.  We have no idea how normal this is for the area as we weren't here last winter.  It's all going to be an exciting surprise! Just hope we don't lose power.  That's one reason why I'm working on the blog now while I still can!  Today's card is connected to the "floating layers" card I posted last Wednesday.  When I die-cut the layer from the floating layers piece I made last time, there was some left over.  I thought it was too pretty to just throw away, so...

There was just enough of the "floating layers" prepped piece left to die-cut this piece from it.  It was a tight fit to get that die on there, but I love how it turned out.  The die is from the Tasteful Layers Die set, one of my favorites.

Because of the colors on the floating layer piece, I chose Mint Macaron for the card base.  It's cut 8 1/2" x 5 1/2", scored at 4 1/4" and folded in half.  For the building layer, Crumb Cake cardstock was used.  I used a quarter sheet and die-cut it using the largest of the Scalloped Contours Dies to put the pretty lace on the edges.  Then the Stitched Greenery Die was used to make the delicate stitched detail on the layer.  This was attached to the card base using Dimensionals.

The flowers and leaves in the Friendly Hello set seemed to be the right size to use as an accent here.  I stamped the double flowers, the leaves, and the little accent flower on a Basic White cardstock scrap using Memento Tuxedo Black ink.  The coloring was done using Stampin' Blends:  Highland Heather Light & Dark, Mint Macaron Light & Dark, and Daffodil Delight Dark.  After coloring, all the pieces were cut out with Paper Snips.

The next problem was how to incorporate the "floating layer" into the card design.  (Remember, the "floating layer" is made with strips of cardstock attached to a Window sheet then die-cut into a shape.)  I checked all kinds of stamped sentiments and die-cut sentiments too.   I didn't care for anything current, so I plundered my retired stash of die-cut sentiments to find just the right one.  This is from the Well Written Framelits and was just the right size to fit the layer like I envisioned.  Every once in a while, things actually turn out the way I planned.  Woo Hoo!  Basic Black cardstock was used to die-cut the sentiment.  Multi Purpose Liquid Glue was used to attach the sentiment to the "floating  layer".  

Now that all the components were ready to go, it was time to play around with placement.  When I had a layout I liked, the "floating layer" was attached first with Mini Dimensionals placed only under the cardstock strips to hide them.  This was placed on the right side so the large flowers could be arranged to the left side.  The flowers were attached with Dimensionals.  The leaves were tucked underneath and attached with adhesive.  The small flower was tucked under the sentiment layer at the top right as an accent and attached with adhesive.

Now for the bling.  I had planned on using Black Matte Dots, but they seemed kind of heavy for the card.  I tried several rhinestones and pearls and really wasn't impressed with anything.  Then I remembered the Subtle Shimmer Sequins from the Winter Mini Catalog and tried those.  Just the soft, but not too shiny, look I wanted.  So sorry, that's two retired things I used on the card.  Yikes, I'm trying to stick with current items, but you know how it is - sometimes you just can't find what you really want for your creation in your current stash.

Guess that's enough for today's post.  I hope you give that "floating layer" technique a try.  It's really easy and fun.  And it gives a nicely different look to your card.  

Remember that Sale-a-bration is going on right now.  It ends February 28th, but don't wait until the last minute as products do sell out and you can't get them.  I'd hate for you to be disappointed and not be able to get what you'd like for free.

Well, we're still waiting to see what this winter storm is going to be like.   The rain was supposed to have started a couple of hours ago, but everything is still dry.  Hope that means it won't get too bad. While we're waiting, maybe I'll get myself downstairs and see what else I'm inspired to create.  It's always a good time to create and stamp.  Right?

Stay warm and cozy,

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