Friday, August 26, 2022

Friendship Friday Multiplied

Hello my wonderful friends!  First off, I have to thank you for all your prayers on my behalf.  Sounds like God was inundated with prayers from friends around the whole of the USA.  How blessed I feel knowing so many people care about me.  Next, I want to apologize for having a lousy month's worth of postings.  I feel bad there were so few posts and will try to improve on that.  Lastly, I do have cards to share.  I'll start off with the cards sent to celebrate our anniversary.  48 years and counting!  Whew!  I'm amazed that the years have just sped by, and we received some lovely cards to commemorate our special day.  The cards are all beautiful and reflect on the personalities of the ladies that made them.  Some are all Stampin'Up! products, some are not, some current items, some not.  But they're all wonderful and were greatly appreciated.  They are shown in no particular order.  On with the slide-show! 

created by Connie Juengel

created by Kathy Hintz

created by Shirley Krone

created by Sue Fabris

Aren't these all gorgeous?  And also totally different from one another.  Love that!  Now we're going on to the get-well wishes that were received.  Again, all of them are totally different styles and colors and themes.  They just 'fit' each of the creators.

created by Barb Eisenman

created by Shirley Krone

created by Kathy Hintz

created by Connie Juengel

created by Sue Fabris

created by Judy Bur

Judy's little furry friend card arrived today so it just made it in the line-up.  I certainly wouldn't want to miss him!

Now it's on to the general cards that arrive as an extra special surprise for no reason whatsoever!  Usually, these are the best, but I've already shown you some real fabulous cards.  You decide which is the best card.   Hmmm, maybe we should have a vote and a special prize or something....

created by Diane Wallace

created by Kathy Hintz

created by Dorothy Bartlett
sent by Marty Vukonich

created by Diane Wallace

created by Diane Wallace
The inside and back of the card are filled with notes from a bunch of ladies that all got together to have fun one day.  Wish I could have been there sharing the day with them!

That's all I've got to share right now.  Like I mentioned, aren't these a fabulous mix of cards?  And each and every one of them brightened my day when it showed up in my mailbox.  You ladies are truly a blessing and the best medicine available!! Hopefully I'll get my head in gear and get posting again real soon.  I do have some cards ready to go.  It's just a matter of making the brain function well enough to make sense without too much of a struggle.

Thank you for not giving up on me and taking the time to see what I've been posting.  Sale-a-Bration is down to the wire with just a few more days to get freebies for spending $50 or $100.  I do thank you for all the purchases you ladies have made already.  Like I keep saying - I am so blessed to know each of you!!!  Thank you for your prayers!!

Happy stamping and creating!
Love and hugs, 

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