Thursday, July 27, 2023

All About Shapes and Textures

Yesterday I sat down to create with the goal in mind of focusing on different shapes and textures.  That was my plan, and I'm happy to say I think this card fits the plan.  I still had the Earthen Elegance DSP sitting out and in the package was a left-over die-cut circle from one of the prints.  That piece looked like a great place to start building this card.  Let me show you the finished card.  Then let's see if you agree with me.

You can see the circle with the masculine, geometric style print from the Earthen Elegance DSP.  This was cut with the largest circle from the Stylish Shapes die set.  It was the beginning idea that everything else grew from.  

I liked another print from the Earthen Elegance DSP that looks like "stitching" and dots on wet clay.  This piece measured 5 1/4" x 4".  I ripped it about in half so the rest could be used on some other project.  I like that the ripped edge is uneven and shows the white inside core of the DSP.  This piece gave me both visual and actual texture.  

The DSP is layered onto a piece of Pretty Peacock cardstock that measures 5 1/4" x 4".  It's attached with adhesive.  Then this is all layered onto a piece of Gray Granite cardstock measuring 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" that is scored with a side fold.

There was a 5/8" wide strip that is cut from the white textured DSP that was ripped.  The backside is a mottled mix of Lost Lagoon and Pretty Peacock.  This was attached to the card front about 1 1/4" from the bottom edge.  The die-cut circle we started with was also attached flat about 1" from the bottom.  So now we have two different rectangle shapes that are attached both vertically and horizontally and a circle to add to our shapes category.

I love the fan leaf die in the Earthen Textures die set.  First, I cut one in Pretty Peacock and one in Gray Granite.  For the third one, I tried Basic White, Very Vanilla, Smoky Slate, and Lost Lagoon cardstocks and really didn't care for any of them, but it still needed another one of "something" in there.  Then I thought of Vellum!  Perfect, it added volume and balance, but didn't really add another color that didn't quite fit.  

The vase or jug was stamped in Lost Lagoon ink and stamped onto the same color cardstock.  The top part was just cut from Gray Granite.  After die-cutting both pieces, I used a little Gray Granite ink with a Blending Brush to add color and shape to the side edges.  Just a smidgeon of Gray Granite was also added to the center and outer edges of the Gray Granite fan leaf.

Next, each of the leaves were arranged on the circle and attached - two with touches of "green glue" and the Gray Granite one with a Dimensional just under the center part to give it more distinction.  The vase was attached over the stems using Dimensionals.

The sentiment is from the Lasting Joy set.  It's stamped on Basic White with Pretty Peacock ink.  The left edge is angled cut for another shape.  It's attached flat to the vase but with a Dimensional along the right edge.

I was trying to figure out if (or what) extra bling should be added.  Nothing too glitzy, and something that would subtly match.  The Flat Adhesive-backed Pearls just made me happy when I tried them.  There is an iridescent sheen in greens and blues that compliments the card nicely.

The last, but not least, bit on the card is the inside.  The sentiment comes from the Textured Floral set and I just love these words.  They're stamped in Pretty Peacock ink to match the rest.

And of course, there's always a skinny strip of cardstock to match and bring the color inside the card.  This is a 1/4" strip of Pretty Peacock to finish it all nicely.  I'm a big fan of using up all your little bits and pieces of leftover treasures.  Sometimes those little bits are the perfect accent.

So, did I accomplish what I set out to do?  Use lots of different texture and shapes to make the card?  I hope you like the idea and try your own card focusing on shapes and textures.  Thanks for sharing some of your precious time with me today.  I think of all of you as I make my cards and try to share ideas that you might be interested in trying out yourself.

Happy stamping and creating!


  1. The texture is wonderful - the visual texture plus the torn edge as well as the use of vellum! The composition is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Barb! You don't realize how much I appreciate your comments and feedback! You're so kind!
