Sunday, November 5, 2023

Christmas Classics Updated

Hello friends!  My goodness!  Here it is Sunday again already.  Where does the time fly?  It was a busy week and obviously I didn't get much of anything done.  I did do a little stamping, but not any posting.  Sorry for the long wait since the last post.  I do have a pretty Christmas card for you today though.  The colors are Moody Mauve and Pretty Peacock - not quite traditional colors, but I think this turned out quite nicely.

This card used little bits of several different specialty papers that came together perfectly.  I started with a piece of the All About Autumm 6" x 6" Specialty Paper.  It was back in stock at that time, so I felt free to use it.  I had a piece that was 4 1/8" x 3" left over and that's what the card was made around.  This is such a pretty print with the copper detailing all over it.  It has a nice baroque feel to the design and would look wonderful as an ornament, but that's not what I'm doing today.

Picking out the card colors from the paper, I chose to use Moody Mauve and Pretty Peacock.  The card base is Moody Mauve that measures 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" scored and folded in half.

A piece of Pretty Peacock cardstock was cut to frame the All About Autumn DSP piece.  It measures 4 1/4" x 3 1/8" to give it just a tiny frame to offset the pretty paper.  These are attached together with adhesive and then attached to the card front using Dimensionals.  Now for all the extras.

Using the large frame die from the Christmas Classics Bundle, the frame for the sentiment was die-cut from the Pretty Peacock paper in the Soft Shimmer Paper Combo Pack.  You can find this in the Annual Catalog on page 127.  This is very easy to overlook but is so pretty!  The frame with the open-work holly and leaves with the berries is really lovely with that very subtle shimmer.  

The sentiment label from this set was die-cut from Basic White.  The label is stamped with a sentiment from Christmas Classics in Pretty Peacock ink.  This is attached flat to the frame we just made.

Using an open-work leaf spray from the same set, three were die-cut from the Oxidized Copper Specialty Paper found in the Mini Catalog.  When cutting, two were cut from the mottled copper, and one was cut from the paper with the Peacock color running through it.  Two of these leaf sprays were attached under the frame with the last one on top of the frame.   This was all attached to the front of the card using adhesive.

The holly branch and berries were also from this same set.  The holly was stamped with Pretty Peacock ink and colored in with the Pretty Peacock Light Blends.  The berries were stamped with Moody Mauve ink.  These were all die-cut with the coordinating dies.  I used Mini Glue Dots to attach each of these pieces to the sentiment area.

The inside of the card has a layer of Basic White cardstock.  The sentiment is one that I like a lot from the Wishes All Around stamp set.  Pretty Peacock ink was used to stamp it.  

When die-cutting the leaf sprays to accent the front of the card, I tried a couple in plain copper that were from a retired pack.  I thought it was too bold for the look I was going for, but it seemed to accent the inside of the card just right.  It's attached with adhesive to the left of the sentiment.

Here's one last look at the finished card.  This time I used no extra bling on the card.  I thought it was pretty enough just as it was.  What do you think?  Does it need any more added to it?  With the metallic accents on the DSP along with the leaf sprays, I was happy as is.  Of course, I'm always open to options when it comes to adding extra bling!

Thanks for sharing a bit of time with me today.  I'm having fun thinking outside the box when choosing my Christmas colors lately.  Don't worry though, the navy cards will be showing up again soon.  That seems to be my stand-by color for Christmas.  Have a very blessed day!

Happy stamping and creating,

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